flow Lncrcaeifl~, he had scan ycuterday on tile buses,
"And tub they. bath," just tnt's a loud 3(ly I his head iran. rhe carla' eqL'-cnses; Di ra! sexuality, at ~'' a ucheti.' o~ thinking a-',d in trie end believ~ra that C had taken ;reat pleasure ii ncis from our into~icating~ I nigit. E sex he had bad with the r,irl s~ Jan now threatening to destoy our tbinkir£r:. Fock btron,,hout, further. !le had types, the teaching Gra}ia~ at his rrevious correctress was wrLttcn RI I over 1-mg. Ore tine and afte'·w. raMs. Wit,a~l sitting on his ·at arse.
~Wait!" he had taker- him home tat last, "Si~ up!"
Atta uudden~y he said, "Oh yes! no was awful (Lance) as he sat in bt,e land of flor,~, thE floor and il~ Rr.d old and heepin~ odd. T~.ey rode flare. :~al~L about fishy
"Give me..."
~fluh?" he was ranting '~o bhe thinq that wo,i:d respond to riw.
"F~er gotng to get written about?" looked at t~s. rnirror. Borne.
"This was not tite point I" he thour:~t into the hi tehen and I is-ed rt'cordings of rte metaphors,
"'hen yo from the church next dzor," be continued with the loud sonLe, ·'You ~ hurry!" he thoujrht too hi to orien Our brain boxos or they will peal!
"It matters -~o anyone ba; the t,ene, and just tour t~o i n£oflt.ati 0 in my ~lhdI" he was preparing hit in reality, ehbinsr like a snake, and tqen it wasn't
"We nust be ta-aght -na~ Irnat you are. he gas fire but in what directicn,tr.jat is ration. (!.n.) in made far solid rniles of the tL&Itip~e, tie blind go:-40r,the deaf mailiojan.
"ilcn't ~et too far~"
·'flice evolved I,' the edge of reality was indeed tbe 'sir-C 0£ any decisian was a deac enter, tbe hollow.
·r...and we are born dead and walking aronnd a eallery intil we are dead aj'$in..." slay attemptcd to iwap tha phone and then he quickly recrea'~sd it making some excitine, excuse up.
"ihe bire was dented!" +~hey thought to thenselves after, it was hut irt a single ~ecord.
Since he had awoke, it wtas a atrar-Ce dream that he hact in the rAr iftorning, "Con~d this be tr'ae?1ill IflA the mour~ed ti~e?"


·ao-ng out?" he thjugjit to ciake them tie] iwie he was awake.
"Surely you are fuokin skirt?" ~ey macir ci itself into so-n. ething caLled rea~'ity, a born and bred MoCirey tram inside and a dan'er to them.
Re had a racing lurs-'h. returmng to whence he cane. Huwour had escapea then. So d~d his hou&.tss to he turned to tho fL,rarc whict:
watt walsing toward, the~ s-'o~iy. ~he two jorre windows a-nd he nigntLJJed like sweets arid romper st'-ibs'.
"YOU! It's open," and soi'rtd bell wed of P' asti(.' ·ye.'~. ow corakers He was playing ri snurA track at first b'~ thL'fl the ·#oird tiju.~. said, "the uk) was bri!'ianti~' r~.isiri". it's fin;tcr. toatinjand he could ~'nnt alout th~r.k.
"Now you must be in our drea-as"- as we are neib door." mey stood Un in hope, it cor:tinued,
"We at first pick a tiTty crc.
Ubje Lf wtr are to survive?" He r& t love, t~e ~el evi elan. He opened a crock of drossy shi b~
"014AP!" it u1ioke tt2ought.its nose and quickly walked i~-nco~brolle so that everytning co~d his airy body out. He lisLenel with a penis like thiny, and bhen did what nee~ed .1 ike a sound of a large f~y lut with a smile on its jace which was eight feet long now, He trid the sane feelirA, Trath. flow, He c..Oij] d Z speak.
"I don'tr" ii, said. he lirid been walkin;, ~hroup,h.
"~ pants, trint you nonid possibly use?" the cold had hit nirn ~uddenly. "~ery and ar.ythin~ from try ticy brain, my atti seems to be movin~ vary slowly sl~nd,
"Tnrat one for you to comprehend."
'rhey coad just about keen ·av wit,, it.
"as mastubation so~c 'ort of a Sign?"
'Pararijod?" not at; if they had,
·'Ttat would make rny s~pnriors r.arry...u r:.'r it c.on'd sense rore trian the o-~ner'; nou:d tt,i r£k.
·'~t hat i can try an" nort your hand, I can toll that you are hav~ flg trouble."
"Its just too vast." every bht-.a was or '.bier aoruunieatin;: as Ofle nearly.
wren eventiia?ly everything was visible, bovertng in tne sky. the place or hounds. I~im approaehtng to tsr now,
"Abe are they?"they turned s1ie~tly towards each ott-cr.
"Its somethin£. to wrttrewrite about!"
"how a~ you fee.' i.'ig?" she was there.
"I'm not one of them? Yet the T.Y ? the druqa, and teahna?~
,'m0 be frank, who the tack are ~hey aryw~'?! Fith?" he rernetm~:ered the ifalleria the :ervous~y. He dj(ln'.t like the very possibility of marl and W=Lafl tbe six sizes n-nd nirbers that were approaching, in shops, lyir~, in Lhe pout of a slightly speeded Un voice.
'-~ney 'all seemed to be saying the same tbin~.

lake watohi'.d hi~ rrarn behina. After-contem platued across the
realms of space.
".bslk dawn the three flights of n.th~.r Inte~ ~ ijerce. '- -'ris was the mark- Mon were busy, arid if -.6 could he'd know somehow how to deal with it. 'Ahich a~r.varia,1e played radio one on this dumb k IrA of planet. '41w could 'save us? As he opened ~r;e glass entrac. Rest, tnc rabbiti. it cr,ribac Led. ~hvelopes came twabj ing at him. It wou~d to some hope ror Ltie huir. and it wou]d be the same roulbry ~fl. the dreams of the apoea]yr3sc ways spsr~in~ at the bac:< of his slcLr. and had itself becoLe the nigkit. Ha checked, he had become beajti1~lly withdrawn and sheepish, somehow con to Uhe steady kind rk:ythn. at Lhe s~ere3. The only thi~', loft to do. Just rec'£er-roo, I he opened the mailitari and leaned politics which had beijir talen as a rest. The ba;h Wkfl runnina. SI it seriansly were the ego-4n'niaos, who's reltaus ;o the warmtn at Lh'wttore,harm br.&r£ pood. c~ts. aS I hu tnanta,'ud, nt' had to,
¶e tare all fucked for sure" aujUst Lite day he wps nct iookir4,' forward to. 'IC computer ter~in&l he rushed Lo hnvc to nag WI bh another fi~~ty odd read messas;oa. fle salivated r£ kits orrice.
"Still it's green, the computer screen..." he sqng.
"We c~iriob ~ K~ this at, crier, tie '.-a~ld " they told him.. -
"aTCr!" ~hen the sos-i've or a poibr la~y gi b arsi Clie idea flashed
on. Er. stared our over wha; toricy cnu!(i never buy him, across the ristni' mist.
"Disperse." tkte do~ -or k~d to3d him over his cheek. the ~orld was farilliar ~o him as t~iey Irnd seemed now.
JWLL5,JufltJ'10Ui1t5 ." l!ow wou~d his disej CS OLD on tkie aspec La at alchemy take? 'OW Warty ~i~es will they sit on the surgery door that day?
"This land forms us all into thIs perCect body fixate." 'tad be ever bad lives, like '-r3e typewriter drains his urine. "ie'tcd and scruLinized ir~Cj being a secret youtn, who basted to a certatn extent the bat also,w;-£o also while a strange amount .1i~e the razar. itn onti;y which is no lor4',er needed. in fact a few ti'iy spots, as ttje boy rat cryins. Sma] I boy to tne morki. A stiarpiab sting gave him a thrill. Leering into the boys ceart. Blood,the wreath cauJacing ortto the snrodd of sharp cheques, antwjt the dirty bat~- mat. After cai'"1~Ily defired areas. their eyes toanted the bread. jic dressed &&d vened.
"Who?" by now he hat wriggled away, sure that the door was secare.
in any pain?"
Once LOOn a time me afl~~LOt of the housing benecit could start a fictiLious t'tj-ry.
After a slow ten rintat,-; stroll her ~ ~ad ena~t wine to Bit and do. Karlier ne ~Ook bh~ wije that tilled thirsted tellies while ~hey baked up at Itic box on the wax:
town, Lhe corridor irito tt£c fli6lt. ~anat wata fli ready damp with sweat that stamirers Ukie way Lbrj ugh anuLflt'r.
non ~rsat!" tncy sat by the buinit~, cometary. hey were in for a lonr. wait.
"Who cares abo'jt lire? -,he e~ent Jr "Yen a rag ror that Lq"abLer. bhe simul Laneous entity w':31c:'. 7 ea9. ed. But Lt hq.d, "jee!
l:e had 'twokon sharply as a continued conversation took place between a flew eflerej, ~ perfection, tney sunrLscd kjJ~ when the friendly tn.in~:t.s seewed like a crael dissapointint' thLng in ;hc cookies of nis cynica] }ienrts solubiori.
"j:}j jtions~ j-~hit arid Puck!" he w'.r, out of tho pub, te tat with rho friend t:,la~. was.beckoninty, the berinnine. was a sour£ ~bat a Jew wct,.kenns ago t'iey b~.A.
·'£';Ow Ins react is that ~ the fatal, 011.0, tIto cam atrnosvhere, as if the orb rAnipulated that vibration!"
The aura, silting in si:ence, wanderinr: into a qutet PIRO" with ros Lly o~der LeirigL'. 'ttVc.'L' or energy an tufo. ~ialking to themaelvo iven his son and the other ~are exr.loslvc red gentluren walAed in, resistenlly or.' -igtt:~ Unier minds for a lager or a go 'd 1abe~ - They underetood t:-.e skin ~utt we a'~ irhacit.
"Shaven faces would wait expectir-g land. - ." t£' co.32d go on all day for them, theprice was cod but goad. Tenran~ then he would~
...arA records, t~e records~" fannily enough tn-is secmed like eter~ity.
"They're alike~ They like having. Oflly row have i noticed Borne sort of energy very deeply by such waves." the sort irriterms, with
--no aQyjous control there fat reads turned t~wntd~ the LeoF.nology.
Sight and sound was p-aced high ant of reach qrjc was utructuring itself witnin, atteribively.
Occasionally manipulated usitie everytnine,, Ihiek. broken by the t:a] V j%j~], racang no s~epician thrjugn t:~a. eyes. the blurred ane'; contc,rt red windows. Even sis !rec.'tir.g'.t CBWC~ he t03k the messages jar severBL hoirs. He continued to trav&'.' I'.:e zig-zag stairs Cc Lhe Crant door, the wontoth cosmos a-cl ~cpc. Pu] ,y w'rs Uhe roi Sn of the fain~ radios aim. :.,r..e prod'e-~t tr.a. woed the wrole time tha, thcy were workin',. ·rhe s;-j~ and the shi£eada or. the hal'. doors, the browr.L4 arc: the Wtj tes, the animals, the verstabion and feet.
':0 th3~)1-t knowin;, cou-d IC made. the then at least I He counted as before, the thoirg.rt was a't.arJLc race. It .~'d ~~ust beon scaring him 'i busy ir, amount. fletarning up the sLairs to mare Ioo~in', and feel .:r&g.. tired. £iflLuids which CaLC Croa th ~ ;viflg convinced that ~nis wus probably toked closer ta the i'4ro cheque. Fiently the new sind of teat, ace of -ippin',. lnto it he fo~t tLie cant.':e 'oke. The few who did seern tank wit',er and layed back,
·'Ooooh,·" it wati ocurocracy that wan.. doir4'. a ~ Ct. "'jo out and nort out thE rent-rebate Tact I" t'hL' uhouted, ''shy ion' t vo~ answer to the flLiSber4;ame?" which ha ·~Ou] dn't!
Tn crc was a loud na-se frow. tre occ. weary lives in the swea4 he]) Over it as ib bltep~ and f] bk-neat-,
"Paying for it? he mouthed Ihe bhou;~ts as he read it on the bria~t1ed. lie liked Inc tnoue;'iC or bein~ savea.
"You no* stop. '.ini a row world, anitner scorer we.' of wc.'aJ tF; that will appear~ as 'a iekly.'t.s ~e spoke this was soinn',r4' Ir. htq. skull eyes. Es watt-hod t-.e water for a long time.
"Cool it!" ire had seemed vague, a so Iit:try be~r ran to (~eek the cover, to h',t it off.
;laYlfl4 a lengthy direI~" dyine, are. ~at could be the ~.igr.r. of abuse trat helped to I cad t:tr mt to weep. How ]0r4; woald it be? It was to cc thu ir.oti~ enjayao-e trip bituation.
anin:ar~[~ . destruc,ion ms a" he uw~\:ei and oouttec~ the actir~. nora]
Lacflifle" tRLC over traji tLe assessed, this social tistory. "~c
*£rds £r~ ·ts user, and tne call w~s j't.~ttLnr cold.
La i-~tad a ek.a~e, tal~~ng 10 wi id bu-~ req soonle arnRritlons, he wiped ri S nt'ck in Lhe aui&£ s-~r'jnF,en..'sR, it Lfl ~t reas)on&Jle, the reo:jiro~ent to be, sc,rt t toad appearea in. twttarieI3unly. To be a wqstcry in risery, y('.:, "..e liked t~e pain they ~l "..~e star£ing arojr.d. Itw'au blue an', ·.'qflt taJ tt' stepped ciat noun rig over the b' uq
I inoneam,
"A can ci eo.~prr-s~3 and a slice cr or~~wn. - ." floor soil li~?? qaickly over the cured trt-j the Iruny turd -,own. ~nkies & I fixed on the screamirs before s lowly walkin;, in tre dire .-~ron ureir a itt' a' but be was no jor-". C"' Ian - Ilie cnest felt ·~ip;-.t oni ca~, tinned to dream,
'It isn't et:J';e!" ILL' was in --no nI ace L~C had t-r.agined, even lied
~b~O We all till'o-tiakct?~ and trus loosed at it, ~i9Cfl down.
"1 'UL down tc drink tire-rilis, read 98..." and gie ticket he had a re-roman man,..
inc card] es ran fror, his sticky fingers,
·'Read 66, are far away from otur Boet.Cur lives as the roet... arid only ano--ter 68, Peop3e before my crue:' rn~etaphor."
"It roLs -;ne £ru-; t-rc.tiity, I, ~ de~perate1y needed joy so
patiently that v,noever cried, yes thaL would 0001 hiw. down. Jtkean =tuial b'~akdown of -.?c tal~' Uni. It got better as he sat ard wait it ~ttve bi~ so nueb enerey. . like i swa-- arroup or then. it nlwgyE sued to ~.t ink a lot rare, not li~e this itapro nod, but !t wnrLed them qil, the hum- afle kind ol gesture.
Afterw~trds he went :~r a p,L; Lfl effectual w~'k, a spanking gay
,~ro~n of Arracass. That t.e bad it!
of course they hq.d ai~t waLked about the wic'~ed world, and the nourA or rn-.e big coslaic vitrazion had eat there in the w.ug~. heat which also inhabited trje precious everyrL'dy in -f-c bar. ~~takcn fron the innocent cherry now and --hen. A~ wqs rho s-n', tht men sitting arotiad ecntemplattr4r disheve: led irformati on. They bRd bccn taken trum react',1:;LO thier pockets for ha: f-laxatives wbich t' C riourse wcrc half E, or simethins,!
Irihey. ·' he snid, " are puckered"
"And us?" as was uhe ott qo miscantly bar tcnder. "They are on d ru£s £ortunatc.' jy -
flurry eyes, pathetically noping rot yet another craviny." he was broke and ct'rtain a few of tbem had a fetish ro~ --he pine.
£~'jsie played as the old Lhoufli t on.
iri~hey have actually corne to see the snooker on tf-e ~elevtt,ion!"
Weigh vibrations. or --ho first levaeb, thier faces wa'~ched Iris screened. lie liked tne wsiy ttls landed thier flack 0'? cancer' trati on. Wjuld £15 mind?
"he are beir~ drunria,..
A few young men were in a few macden; recently whore they puiled the -,able at tho Ir side of ·jflC c",'iti'l i.e'- or th~ c-dora. Ar, unfor'.una'.e oth':r sIde. '9hey were at --'Ic uar wrier,, lie rc~embernd back to the great weekend - 'To him, te walked, untrjre thieraf a few rOrILILS ·t~o. Everything hanp~s. u'hqtt. y.iut? psid they h~d a few drinks e~en tact acitBi
:1. answered sti3i, t'..'o-arh as rn;aql they had turned down and out. "Ia' vs you E for fl',,-nstab~e?" It was bin home town, was nodding.
,L:e told her that the evering was a new exception, They had anked htm when he could sb~rt. The Ohini' -french teacher ere' they bad to earL uo~e money all be it a poulcry wir-g in Thar~ ODC. A scary devil
de~elopw.ent. After Aner they hi- it off very well, t~ey h~j events. 0 swa£7.gerc.d around -.be hours arid sat on ~be sofa with them. Did lie ~now that it wo'jl d be biia. he looked np, AIXi dilrq. Ira "lashed .~p iL the noultry hours of .~is worth'.ess reimer.'cerlng; Its nether waking him afler a while :~e itra en~'Oyed.
After w'aTetlfl£- the cockney -hey ti.q(i ac,fle tO a flicie corn-try ~o
#~nd him up. He wel kod note t-roa£'~ the malls ~viliag,e'
'l'2La'y t-~d sat there and been sold!" he ocular t bear tryir£g not
la srew. wich w'&S Rn and. T~o 'k-ir.:friend' .would.at-Jeatit try to
be concerned. They sa~ there ·*ith norrality, to .~1"..der ~i.m he wute 4-er.l i np~ sick and Lired tn their stornual hi~',. ~ut it wan there. Ee lent the usual first drink of tn Cray, Omp, for a long tir~ he n"eded Lhe laud ...Then a fr~end of hia fatbers gi-iLar sat. In ~here
wae ~ not Lcabli, ·ah:rrt t'han~e in atmosphefier. Un loudly be thrashed Ofl, tarted, ac;ing sAl ty~ ~hey see:;ed to bed fl:1tunr'.a~.n?'~Y and notentartly band He was just ci tti~.~N Lhere t'akt','. the land of the noise, where hours tu's friends, Re was a rascist shE ubag. Be via
-~he dtssaarpeared, mo2entarj'y .at.BAine various innoci3ase coI=en~t,.
A couple of yeara ago he was all about ehoottna 'inge] S. Asians? tnoy ed and purred to him, vibrat~r', cou'.eZ react as this wo',] d react as tuis, would have, on: & Oxj~d i;e really do it on his Own?
It possib~y c.u~d, the ceging rascisLe! it was asda sad.' The ~tal waa served in frosned ~ would tjo '"to town, to 1 kind
of iys;ery bag.
·'£ash ar£d peas?" he ~as one of them. ho did and bCLUVTh SI tossing a

t'i~n in his tend ins-sad, it WRO the way ~hat wati! be hnd to ,.'at & it was a Lostied v(?gRtariqn t:~rflup.

Yep be ]on~ed tie any, blamed lor beir-g picky, the ty he relt.
After aLl he wqs blamed for them a-aburban io~.k. He had jy, where,
that cosmo know-it-allcher£;.e,
~flela-ohanr,e was an imr:}ssjble (1flInOfl th~t livod here..." it was the R peovle, wS~n they had arrived home ~ijsed.
Ec sat in the b~ok with tne TV. making litt]e menta~ n'jtos as too
~appened to be or a girl. He had feet-sty:e value and thou4!bt back
to Ed with furry foiar-soms titen. Xe Cit?t.
"*-ho,??'1 it seemed ~ike they were expected to be, for a moment. London was havine~ quivering home brew and whiskey,
"Down th'inb ~ive a toss abo'jt any, Lnine r.ieht, Lhe evenbija]
blasin;.: alchemy." they were o~ i' group or rp,.nerationl
I~ had really started geLt~ing alt, idle.r>~anet.
"C Idle 9lanet!~' hip s!Ou ted wi L~ a death wish q.t his father.
ilad tnr"atened LO punch JLrrorEr£g younp.t'r bro'~hbrs annoyed. He tAd swore bat told ;fle tn-truth. Tncy had what he had often g.ot~en arC dono tofi~ for gin ahi tonics. !'ow in diseapo.ntment they simply w,'Y~ed W''s. For hi~ the epitomy of it ajone with norats~in staring over bhe typiole suburban Lents. ~'hey bad walked home out of touc~?
"&') GO!" Iben again he didn't if the roundines, tho rear or ~e attack in tk:erL,~arnl go ~rot around the rond white boyti!~
IRger .I.outu, LLflrest in the titreets, hi, ktad enJoyed bre cro:I.aeo ennugh and no had often witneseed by the street. Itor him t-I.ese off ~bs were like music, onto bloodstained tht~~ti be exan', r.ed.
I.:rie ~ .1,...~ onoc. it r.ad been him, not far from lr~ [Vo5 Fe did aug-b onil itliLijy towards hit, setutry c~r and tad been a~ arourA. ~herc were flo~ raverfi, spec,auy I~ac! of Ukem, them, then one guy stepped till dupey to t~cre own suit in the rnoonlipht. lie had p at 'in his expression. Ee was an anerril gutsy guy or about eeven'~een. ~..e hac lunged, these dude~ ani cbaps were so. lie, red syrcat had nir. down >..is rorehewi.
Elves on the same wall!Looking at first, ebbi'r~ down oortinues. "LTD we a]] a1]ies7~ but i-~ wau too late, the d~npced elf.
Anci chen he reinen,bered hin,sel£ to the -~ospital to be stitim in a couple or nottht, tile. Q~ete bad to be.
hien slouctea 11 and g~tberi.'d around at the ~entrc of the floe uP the bar. 'In ~ooI'ed tack '~owp-ds the st'~borr. rnis4-iving. ~erc re noticed t.~e wonan. j"he war a sL~na] t-£at had haprened wi Lhin a broohare. Around to where sne ·nas. stt] 1 ned. neon pains we~l he had
·'Your name?' she askea ~ ike a Cew n!d ncheo~ triends, stil] cauLios
ol Lke situatic,c.
"Oh to be a real plorlAer , th' ii ia rare yo'a lone bar work betore?" she ~ bac Ic his i~(.'t tavouri ~e place, bu~ everyt~ing s',~ 'a ~hed to hogi- was s&{d anu ~et with a very nice yo-jn' ressq.rn~n-arL. Toni ph ho would botin to ac~u-elA Sc.
"Abou : ~ht' '1 UL' . - -
1'A riyht non-try SUm!" he thouett, '"Ir. I tse: J'."
They }ti J soomea nervous, lirre r raise start. The job hed it.
They acLV&flbUA-ly wnflder(id tone into t:-.e nary bar, hal f-out qnd a!' smjlib'g sli;k!I:y LI:
£arnirg T.V chnckin r.onu~nse ~t L.D:a

~Lret thirty (1uid after another aimed up on the sores-fl. It

wan Lit rost ti~e. At firsb ke had hnt"(J Lhe ;.er. Stx hours, fl~ cep. The day had yet been the only tr".3]y sober or£ ti tF'c extent nf his ntc~achee.
flp~j Irish 13L'ople.-.ry againi" be had eaten some meat, lb was
I I (,Ome'~:-.i rig that ne habed. Fated tt all tF.oug,h, as ii F:e felt the i]Jne.'tm- ot' his parents ort L~is own cack. All she did was 14...
"over there." ne nn~ nted flyer tu~rda the ~ rirgo tin r:ks. 'hey were also growinir tired o~ it. It was aches in t~ere heads 'ihorn net boon, or he had drean~rt. at ran~in& aw'y frOTh, itna
thaL was ii.. Es flat! drjnk end fleeced to dre'n, nrA he needed tO p'ay.
its had caine iji th.~ mab, an the ama' spsre -Qan. ha'. "~u-rned tre ear, '~peci p.1 ,y when the~ sat ~n ti:e electric irist--unent,;.

- and ~ ?O 'Sr"

·'Are you having a d~-N ~t 'in?" o]d, i!any loo"Ae~'. back at hi~. lie could qow~er, escape here.
"Aent, I a]] mo hit I One minute m." ho re~embcre6~ whore he bad baron, on tno next, he was nmkir-g jokes. She had played on it, then tad sat there just va~ant, no aing! in that special rippy way! He doabtably acLed as oppositely. F:e yawned on. It was easy...
"'#5 had orders." but t was Sa-~urday and he was ree to (13.
"'AR Ca Ite r"st ~r us'."' it A"ad(." tell ii,.
·1To C-den marke~'? 'ird pose with 1.-en?!" ii. n,sde flirn want to ia'aO; his head off. He midit make be--ter then ne t-.oujtn"t he wou:d.
11r1s'se it wan of course di~4ic~'lt to earn an exbra thirty quid in this srna"t gi t o.~ a timer mibey were actually "-r.e way that he
':e:!t s'-L aJ of the other elipical reactions of ir!norance in tbe land of cliches. ~as}'ion was jus~ Rceepted. Thu, knowiriff that-it-at aLl i!i?I heeled ar3d shades utonis-i ity to these strsnNe dde was now a rart cjf hirn. Yep he was We'. , --htj ,1~-nt eat there in front or the 'jattolito bar. detached ·ro~ ris freinds. 'Vhn,'.' Its rca'.
qualities, the awful lie, ma teen sexually arid emotionnily in the od folcies ii Ite nospital.
"lb is callous, snal]ow and ·--nfee~ing,'" ho "natched inem hate,and help LYe-a. se]v'.s to di.; rathcr than keep. It had ijaite an effect on him really as he wa--ched thi"r throats co¶tinue Into "~},e thi r~ti.
"any more?
ile gIL a, he din on ~chot.oJ Row, and t:~e near f'.'~ht on wLtt the f~c'.ked
"Off with this stick, sicA o-~" bards In the pub?" ho turned to her but I '&.tt-r when tile parents annoyed him, tho ann, am of his mother,
V.a ha ha" they had sohbed bin and it riidn't ore there...
Ihe tru;r ct thier lives bad gone alound tiLe ~arket and no+~ abopped there, tn'e same respon"" or anger again In various poopy flL~t'. Ire 'a out o£;.ne jub leavtrg, thew irisec.
Eflt'ryt1i~~! about the wide jtomn in crazy nornal. 3udgl n~ ways. t~e emply sometr4ng. twenty soinethin; ye'trs, yeah! flit?. the stranpe nil
~ii. d ~inds. poncy p] acne 'ike the mall ansi rArer, tfle noit suburb
The rout Suliurhe wMI,· cO=on crrtpp~nev,s ci lb Dinnimir ~..hop md
bassed drurken beer trawl', Sri :.iL~r, out. 3 p2aces were a meltinp
pot of dl=fered tarruac.', st1t~~iine., stopninp tra1~rtc dead. r~e varloas uniforms or the so-c~! Cd, the police stattan.
.~£r had waked easily to hirst~ f. Vacnnt r~vnrs snin tround nr~ rurrounded the recoro .9hop blal . As eajid t~ noq.vy witr. his white shirt shining of LLe rn'~nd-nwi~oitg~y serrarated. for hands in ~~jis expectation pj~ LLe small grey r.oe--~r.ro,k'.h he ~ust fi~rnred that...
flis bead towara.' nis. rhen the similar tt~ey j-ast differed. He ~ad
wanted to wipe .t at raway. ~ually he had -~e] t the pain even Ltm~ly
was j ~ on bra Little wnll7 rad he been lone'.' and be :~ad driven his mcther, who rushed rio bri.F:t btothsr.ortcbc.d haro~~y.
"Me! whon they so on ~o] iday." he w'.s on tb n.e.

"jirne ·rae ft tok tick tived, t.'.c tiec of ?aospita~ness was read from a hard day o~ ~otential d~'s. ?qr] tsr in th(' week they had a] I t',ave a
'JLCb of relief as t:~ey visi teA.. t:-,e r,lace.a r.~-n down deck. The b'ij.'d
or bhe buildirj, and peor~le were dis~9aflflintinrc.. lint CS~,--he windows!
As t.-.ey truncized -hoot it would have been irpossible to flow be waiting nob satis:iod wi ego'n to his very own. Siri3ar whichever
way you care to try. Ana ttey hed visited a friends ahow as they sal silently.
reop] S a-~ but more carable in that bicy hater" the bus made a stor.
"On averag.e c:9~mF.e?.ves Mt ~(ia~e or theinare nttem~tin~ to ec or about the sea. and then ho% boring to scrutiny ar.A~ semiotic-cyni- modern-ran." t~ey acre never sqtisfied witi: ·~rebly.
"Enoaghi" t~e evenin' had eneeciel by, indeed -~iis had tiecome nis two hands.
A] flie)'" wt:oreH hail bi ~ qijusti ons; reality? what a caper. perhaps to a nor~al suburb it ~at~crs... cnc mary another a~~rooious lies. Wkio was perfectly innocent? that was simply too OLL¶eroutl to cent, of tne strict JOO~~~ nrc-packed.
En would jive himself a headache by tryir-g, roir4'. to St. Dart~es. "hey reached. Blood ht'in't ftlnlnearea in overarn.. raving bus. A nearby recordney. he contin~ed thin~ina about rifling thro'j',h --he collectian o~ lyine,. By his skin i'~ tethered hir, soft time~oise. he ltkeci tt,e ~nin~ tc be soon to be beleivee.. He knew all correct. Faskion, it eado h-n ho, a?: this busLaejiji, he lhoup,ht, notbint: of arost irrterent. So they were ic his head, of ft doctor ir a while which was tackily kitted out. Thoy were tacing him into a small room.
·'!ou are very prone. it wenid be mete narty excue, ~-e in his head thou~-~, pirty an judes I It 'as a:.' one. E(i orderec a Gin, ]at'kj ng in life like the ft'ckin;. fuckers. they sat near the wind:'.ws
Il. To acconrany thin no wa~ still bored ty ~ust sitting listing.
'L'orLjffnt their ale, a bus down at the rjited, bhat wc'a'..d go. Yes he was selfi&~, like the workers anbittois irq',-'own i~nitinn. Ore of these re tworns 1' wi tn 'as. Tk,e proof was with the Job. '.'e h,id aims that the rest of the dn~"tken jerks the.t r.'un~ e~ery folly fool. Phsychio.Ary all called a celleire with weren't a'. out ar,e Line would no longer Is Or in.
"Rxepr yoa~ a L'kC ordanity to spota-- rretonl.iolus]y!" he turned and scared smiling, crouldn~t IFflieve fl:9a-- he'd sti'] a lot of tire, but he did en~1oy. He had arrived eany and gone in, to be able to be spontanoens with suptise. Suprice full or illness.
History, isolated amy instrictors more than ~ed. himself t}'ts every so o~ten. beccy undressed. He wore her ?o~, then hind of beliefs to nave also. 9ats obviously, ~ryin~, dining, to be a kind of co~rrunication addict wKo pestered the!q continually.
Symbols. but t~ia ~as inside wben his ~ime came be was relieved and flow on a-~cther but. travellinr, towerds his thinnly Ilnened lied,. ITe cringe, likirqr feourus, he crni'dn't ~elp thinkina, of trickery. Cf tt:e X-ray camera...
That used nimijar ways of oorve~vin~ tt:c nun a- these peon~e ~9ey weren~reaJ ar~*ay and f~:ir~9. were no exeption. ~he police would p~t inrormed a touch ~ore ·~har: mule f'jnked rect~ 'an into his prostra-~ They hated i-napen Lnt,tead. Lc jast felt licked.
rhey found t:~ier sektr, in the ba1co-~y. and brid told htri what they had founa. Ar'd ~ enou~h two and a half had Nnt lip 'tnd tried La be a gnod extra memory. Credit to ibier n~-nes that had been in iah(id up him tenaiod&-y about -
The movie enjoyed, tney hal. sort or enoynd it- The eterilo nw~yr.d arji bounced. flown tF:e road, '.e thtruirnr rabout tht' others sat miserab]e and without the drubeb.
nort' old patient people tban yonrg people been fed." hn,n approached :1uiekly in a r~.arby pub. lb w~B ernty at hn.~e. The nice cirrensive rip-off hl~sires9, they ARt talkir;, the occat a-nd felt
about hjmne'f."e~'.i~uhiy her film entertained them unbil they did wonder what tri inages of just another reoked 9·inday and the nound or a] ri·cir~ made vagac with hi'n.s~ Ir It w~sn' t. Tha-- for now they wonid Sit and ad Just rr,i. L~~(.'c and shapcs of the poncy posh advert
·'ryflqts so hip...- yupplos." !rxear. nate!"

'flhL- day :j~d becri articly ticking along ~or sure and tl9ey were so near. lie was to be worried, al] esuire. They t!flpped on a 13135 after they heard abou~ the Art show arid had sat down on the busy clnrr.v. topesolate building in town. Ehe place and peorle played thor wa th themselves. Tn en he hadn't a cIlie what to ex-thou,rh. Cxfords street everybody sleeps to compare thi9 fttreLe]e sLow wi LI' thier lives or triLer shopping. The exaggerated normal normalIty, the rodel ra' tnoaghtn. nis head spewed of Art. 'Phis was stringy 'imi lar to watching above the streets. Ideas bod ~- scoffed at the red wine an" pissed about every two minutes. The thougl:ts that layed thorn selves ·~are hire Corrw&' ' was~ Fe was deftrq.tly a si~Th from the rene wi~ards. strarge the junk that 9cfle p(iocle pushed for ~d at tne big wurehoune pcoplee party, Thich wsn tt[4 onjy preoccupation recentiy. This had been his head. Tie dreamed on...
"floes it wean to be alive?" joes it where it could be the ~ wierd gutsy obvious ane poir:tless qi'estio. would he be spied Ilpor by thu rest of even thou'&rits¶ lot Lhat he did nick the naradne. but he did awake on the buri& mound understarAi~rg why he had those harry trousers on.
AlLhou6lh 'red Ir. 'si I np.:oi' had rol~.ed rrorn Lter, a month ago, a wo-~'d be better in the hard chop of it &. -, where ho tu~k ,,re't the plea the last Week. That he had noticed of old and po~.~.ibly cheap a reeked archive eornetirnes...at least ,h=. stuff could ink of milnie in thits pseudo politenose. :'Te wqs ~Ahkinr a ]itt?e irratjonal.}Ijrn feel clever, but there, salt, was er-ary ar,d ~e had a picture as he adjourn~d to the nearby aflehonite, troat riashirN cut with x-r'ays...
The pine and the Londnn accents. cockney told him how ion".. he had left,
·1The noLmue I" ho mimmicked to .-lmsei r, !~Ryerybody, i 'ri ;fl~rr to diet like in the filmsr" that suited hir. an asual.
"boring and i~atile, ard a nose for my companion." he was alone at-- the bar. ne rar: 013t of words and imaj;es sent recently. Sn he sat tbihkinjr, aboub ~he day pro's ~ooking out of the window, of the lilt c£ ~lass that suited hin.
"So they, as it were. are s'jited to bein6-..' it were easy for Jun
10 say. Art wore a nase and he, woll, he wasn't. die urain ;hCuF.ht.
1~ wqq tiad. The L$UCLRfl obviously --ated serving the drinks. Beirt'
it I he went to --he loony bin that they trust, t-e ccuZd havo reiti 'y
"Oh pretentious, as him, len." he was on is side, -j-cd job tcj.
"Ljt he u--ill h a you kevin. (Ted) I" Ken thought alond ~bout l'i9. drivel about bong an artist- - -
